Source code for usbcore.utils.sdiff

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Taken from

#from __future__ import print_function

Compare two text files or directories; generate the resulting delta.

The MIT License (MIT)

__author__ =  'Tanaga'
__version__=  '1.3.3'

# The MIT License (MIT)
# --------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2011,2016 Tanaga
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
# this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
# rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished
# to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.

import sys, difflib, argparse, unicodedata, re, codecs
# import pprint, pdb, profile

import filecmp
import os, stat
try: import io # python2.x
except(ImportError): pass # python3.x

import itertools
try:   itertools.filterfalse # python3.x
    itertools.filterfalse = itertools.ifilterfalse # python2.x

BUFSIZE = 8*1024

# siff.pyとは
# ===========
# 2つのテキストファイルの差分を取り、人間にとって分かりやすい比較形式で表示する。
# 差分取得結果は等幅フォントを表示するターミナル上で直接表示できる。
# またテキスト差分取得をサポートするモジュールを提供する
# ライセンス
# ==========
# The MIT License (MIT)

global_withbg = False
[docs]def getcolor(withcolor, tag, side, openclose, isdircmp=False, withbg=None): if not withcolor: return '' if withbg is None: withbg = global_withbg bg1 = '' if not withbg else ';47' bg2 = '' if not withbg else ';47' bold = ';1' ansi_colors = { 'red': '31', 'grn': '32', 'ylw': '33', 'ble': '34', } colors = { '<': (('\033[' + ansi_colors['red'] + bg2 + bold + 'm', '\033[0m'), ('', '')), '>': (('', ''), ('\033[' + ansi_colors['grn'] + bg2 + bold + 'm', '\033[0m')), '|': ((('\033[' + ansi_colors['ble'] + bg2 + bold + 'm', '\033[0m'), ('\033[' + ansi_colors['ble'] + bg2 + bold + 'm', '\033[0m')) if isdircmp else (('', ''), ('', ''))), '-': (('\033[' + ansi_colors['red'] + bg1 + bold + 'm', '\033[0m'), ('', '')), '+': (('', ''), ('\033[' + ansi_colors['grn'] + bg1 + bold + 'm', '\033[0m')), '!': (('\033[' + ansi_colors['red'] + bg1 + bold + 'm', '\033[0m'), ('\033[' + ansi_colors['grn'] + bg1 + bold + 'm', '\033[0m')), '?': (('\033[' + ansi_colors['ylw'] + bg1 + bold + 'm', '\033[0m'), ('\033[' + ansi_colors['ylw'] + bg1 + bold + 'm', '\033[0m')), ' ': (('', ''), ('', '')), } return colors[tag][side][openclose]
[docs]def is_text(filepath): bufsize = BUFSIZE fp = open(filepath, 'rb') try: while True: buff = if len(buff) == 0: break try: if '\0' in buff: # python2.x return False except TypeError: if 0 in buff: # python3.x return False finally: fp.close() return True
# 文字列の幅(文字幅)を返す関数。 # 等幅フォントで表示されるASCII文字の横幅を1とする # (この関数は幅広文字を表示する環境のためにある)
[docs]def strwidth(text, ambiguous_wide=True): """A function to give back the width (a character width) of string. Unit of width is one ASCII displayed by a monospaced font (This function is for environment using a wide character for) Example: >>> strwidth('teststring') 10 """ # 文字幅の合計をリセット width = 0 # 文字列を文字ごとに走査 for char in text: # 幅広文字の判定 if ord(char) < 256: # 確実にシングルバイト文字だと分かる場合は幅は1 width += 1 else: # Unicodeのデータベースに用意されている幅情報を使用する。 # ただし曖昧(Ambiguous)の場合だけは文脈により文字幅が変わるので、 # 幅1か幅2のどちらかを引数で指定できるようにする # 詳細はWikipediaの「東アジアの文字幅」などを参照 # # F [幅2] (Fullwidth; 全角) - 互換分解特性 <wide> を持つ互換文字。 # 文字の名前に "FULLWIDTH" を含む。いわゆる全角英数など。 # H [幅1] (Halfwidth; 半角) - 互換分解特性 <narrow> を持つ互換文字。 # 文字の名前に "HALFWIDTH" を含む。いわゆる半角カナなど。 # W [幅2] (Wide; 広) - 上記以外の文字で、従来文字コードではいわゆる全角であったもの。 # 漢字や仮名文字、東アジアの組版にしか使われない記述記号 (たとえば句読点) など。 # Na [幅1] (Narrow; 狭) - 上記以外の文字で、従来文字コードでは対応する # いわゆる全角の文字が存在したもの。いわゆる半角英数など。 # A [幅1or幅2] (Ambiguous; 曖昧) - 文脈によって文字幅が異なる文字。 # 東アジアの組版とそれ以外の組版の両方に出現し、東アジアの従来文字コードでは # いわゆる全角として扱われることがある。ギリシア文字やキリル文字など。 # N [幅1] (Neutral; 中立) - 上記のいずれにも属さない文字。 # 東アジアの組版には通常出現せず、全角でも半角でもない。アラビア文字など。 east_asian_width = unicodedata.east_asian_width(char) # 確実に幅広文字なので幅は2 if east_asian_width in ['F', 'W']: width += 2 # 文字の横幅が良く分からない場合は引数に任せる elif east_asian_width in ['A']: # 曖昧(Ambiguous)が幅2の場合 if ambiguous_wide: width += 2 # 曖昧(Ambiguous)が幅1の場合 else: width += 1 # Unicodeではあるが、幅は1 else: width += 1 # 文字列全体の文字幅を返す return width
# タブ文字を展開する。(マルチバイト文字をサポート)
[docs]def expandtabs(text, tabsize=8, expandto='\t'): r"""Expand tabs(supports multibytes chars) Example: >>> expandtabs('text') 'text' >>> expandtabs('\ta\tab\tend') '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ta\t\t\t\t\t\t\tab\t\t\t\t\t\tend' >>> expandtabs('abcdabc\tabcdabcd\tabcdabcda\tend') 'abcdabc\tabcdabcd\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tabcdabcda\t\t\t\t\t\t\tend' >>> expandtabs('\ta\tab\tabc\tabcd\tend', tabsize=4, expandto='@') '@@@@a@@@ab@@abc@abcd@@@@end' """ index = text.find('\t') while index != -1: real_tabsize = tabsize - strwidth(text[:index]) % tabsize text = text[:index] + (expandto * real_tabsize) + text[index + 1:] index = text.find('\t', index + real_tabsize) return text
# 文字列を指定された幅で分割する
[docs]def strwidthdiv(text, width=180): """divide string by appointed width Example: >>> strwidthdiv('teststring', 2) ['te', 'st', 'st', 'ri', 'ng'] >>> strwidthdiv('teststring', 3) ['tes', 'tst', 'rin', 'g'] >>> strwidthdiv('teststring', 8) ['teststri', 'ng'] >>> strwidthdiv('teststring', 15) ['teststring'] """ # 初期化 array = [] strbuffer = '' strbuffer_width = 0 # 文字列を文字ごとに走査 for char in text: # 文字幅を文字列長に加算する strbuffer_width += strwidth(char) # もし折り返し文字幅を超えている場合は文字列を折り返す if strbuffer_width > width: # バッファの文字列を配列に加える array.append(strbuffer) strbuffer = char strbuffer_width = strwidth(char) else: # 文字を連結する strbuffer += char # バッファの文字列を配列に加える array.append(strbuffer) return array
# 複数の文字列を指定された幅で同期を取って分割する
[docs]def strwidthdivsync(textarray, width=180): """synclonize divide some string by appointed width Example: >>> strwidthdivsync(('test', 'string', ''), width=2) [['te', 'st', ''], ['st', 'ri', 'ng'], ['', '', '']] >>> strwidthdivsync(('test', 'string', ''), width=3) [['tes', 't'], ['str', 'ing'], ['', '']] """ # 初期化 array = [] strbuffer = [] pos = [] char = [] strbuffer_width = 0 # 文字列の数だけ初期化する for i, text in enumerate(textarray): array.append([]) strbuffer.append('') pos.append(0) char.append('') while True: # 複数の文字列の中から1文字を抜き出し、 # その中から最大の横幅(1 or 2)を計算する # 範囲外の例外を抑止して空文字を返すために前後両方を指定してスライスする maxwidth = max([strwidth(text[pos[i]:pos[i]+1]) for i, text in enumerate(textarray)]) # 最大の横幅(1 or 2)分だけ切り出す for i, text in enumerate(textarray): # 範囲外の例外を抑止して空文字を返すために前後両方を指定してスライスする char[i] = strwidthdiv(text[pos[i]:], maxwidth)[0] # 先頭のポインタをずらす pos[i] += len(char[i]) if ''.join(char) == '': break # 文字幅を文字列長に加算する strbuffer_width += maxwidth # もし折り返し文字幅を超えている場合は文字列を折り返す if strbuffer_width > width: # バッファの文字列を配列に加える for i, text in enumerate(textarray): array[i].append(strbuffer[i]) strbuffer[i] = char[i] strbuffer_width = maxwidth else: # 文字を連結する for i, text in enumerate(textarray): strbuffer[i] += char[i] # バッファの文字列を配列に加える for i, text in enumerate(textarray): array[i].append(strbuffer[i]) return array
[docs]class unidiff(object): # # The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (c) 2012 Matias Bordese # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, # DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR # OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE # OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """Classes used by the unified diff parser to keep the diff data and Unified diff parser.""" LINE_TYPE_ADD = '+' LINE_TYPE_DELETE = '-' LINE_TYPE_CONTEXT = ' '
[docs] class Hunk(object): """Each of the modified blocks of a file.""" def __init__(self, src_start=0, src_len=0, tgt_start=0, tgt_len=0, section_header=''): self.source_start = int(src_start) self.source_length = int(src_len) self.target_start = int(tgt_start) self.target_length = int(tgt_len) self.section_header = section_header self.source_lines = [] self.target_lines = [] self.source_types = [] self.target_types = [] self.modified = 0 self.added = 0 self.deleted = 0 self._unidiff_generator = None def __repr__(self): return "<@@ %d,%d %d,%d @@ %s>" % (self.source_start, self.source_length, self.target_start, self.target_length, self.section_header)
[docs] def as_unified_diff(self): """Output hunk data in unified diff format.""" if self._unidiff_generator is None: self._unidiff_generator = difflib.unified_diff(self.source_lines, self.target_lines) # throw the header information for i in range(3): head = "@@ -%d,%d +%d,%d @@\n" % (self.source_start, self.source_length, self.target_start, self.target_length) yield head while True: yield
[docs] def is_valid(self): """Check hunk header data matches entered lines info.""" return (len(self.source_lines) == self.source_length and len(self.target_lines) == self.target_length)
[docs] def append_context_line(self, line): """Add a new context line to the hunk.""" self.source_lines.append(line) self.target_lines.append(line) self.source_types.append(unidiff.LINE_TYPE_CONTEXT) self.target_types.append(unidiff.LINE_TYPE_CONTEXT)
[docs] def append_added_line(self, line): """Add a new added line to the hunk.""" self.target_lines.append(line) self.target_types.append(unidiff.LINE_TYPE_ADD) self.added += 1
[docs] def append_deleted_line(self, line): """Add a new deleted line to the hunk.""" self.source_lines.append(line) self.source_types.append(unidiff.LINE_TYPE_DELETE) self.deleted += 1
[docs] def add_to_modified_counter(self, mods): """Update the number of lines modified in the hunk.""" self.deleted -= mods self.added -= mods self.modified += mods
[docs] class PatchedFile(list): """Data of a patched file, each element is a Hunk.""" def __init__(self, source='', target=''): super(unidiff.PatchedFile, self).__init__() self.source_file = source self.target_file = target def __repr__(self): return "<%s: %s>" % (self.target_file, super(unidiff.PatchedFile, self).__repr__()) def __str__(self): s = self.path + "\n" for e in enumerate([repr(e) for e in self]): s += "Hunk #%s: %s\n" % e s += "\n" return s
[docs] def as_unified_diff(self): """Output file changes in unified diff format.""" source = "--- %s\n" % self.source_file yield source target = "+++ %s\n" % self.target_file yield target for hunk in self: hunk_data = hunk.as_unified_diff() for line in hunk_data: yield line
@property def path(self): """Return the file path abstracted from VCS.""" # TODO: improve git/hg detection if (self.source_file.startswith('a/') and self.target_file.startswith('b/')): filepath = self.source_file[2:] elif (self.source_file.startswith('a/') and self.target_file == '/dev/null'): filepath = self.source_file[2:] elif (self.target_file.startswith('b/') and self.source_file == '/dev/null'): filepath = self.target_file[2:] else: filepath = self.source_file return filepath @property def added(self): """Return the file total added lines.""" return sum([hunk.added for hunk in self]) @property def deleted(self): """Return the file total deleted lines.""" return sum([hunk.deleted for hunk in self]) @property def modified(self): """Return the file total modified lines.""" return sum([hunk.modified for hunk in self]) @property def is_added_file(self): """Return True if this patch adds a file.""" return (len(self) == 1 and self[0].source_start == 0 and self[0].source_length == 0) @property def is_deleted_file(self): """Return True if this patch deletes a file.""" return (len(self) == 1 and self[0].target_start == 0 and self[0].target_length == 0)
[docs] def is_modified_file(self): """Return True if this patch modifies a file.""" return not (self.is_added_file or self.is_deleted_file)
[docs] class PatchSet(list): """A list of PatchedFiles."""
[docs] def as_unified_diff(self): """Output patch data in unified diff format. It won't necessarily match the original unified diff, but it should be equivalent. """ for patched_file in self: data = patched_file.as_unified_diff() for line in data: yield line
def __str__(self): return '[' + ','.join([str(e) for e in self]) + ']'
# """Useful constants and regexes used by the module.""" RE_SOURCE_FILENAME = re.compile(r'^--- (?P<filename>[^\t\n]+)') RE_TARGET_FILENAME = re.compile(r'^\+\+\+ (?P<filename>[^\t\n]+)') # @@ (source offset, length) (target offset, length) @@ (section header) RE_HUNK_HEADER = re.compile( r"^@@ -(\d+)(?:,(\d+))? \+(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?\ @@[ ]?(.*)") # kept line (context) # + added line # - deleted line # \ No newline case (ignore) RE_HUNK_BODY_LINE = re.compile(r'^([- \+\\])')
[docs] class UnidiffParseException(Exception): """Exception when parsing the diff data.""" pass
@staticmethod def _parse_hunk(diff, source_start, source_len, target_start, target_len, section_header): """Parse a diff hunk details.""" hunk = unidiff.Hunk(source_start, source_len, target_start, target_len, section_header) modified = 0 deleting = 0 for line in diff: valid_line = unidiff.RE_HUNK_BODY_LINE.match(line) if not valid_line: raise unidiff.UnidiffParseException('Hunk diff data expected') action = original_line = line[1:] if action == unidiff.LINE_TYPE_ADD: hunk.append_added_line(original_line) # modified lines == deleted immediately followed by added if deleting > 0: modified += 1 deleting -= 1 elif action == unidiff.LINE_TYPE_DELETE: hunk.append_deleted_line(original_line) deleting += 1 elif action == unidiff.LINE_TYPE_CONTEXT: hunk.append_context_line(original_line) hunk.add_to_modified_counter(modified) # reset modified auxiliar variables deleting = 0 modified = 0 # check hunk len(old_lines) and len(new_lines) are ok if hunk.is_valid(): break return hunk
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_unidiff(diff): """Unified diff parser, takes a file-like object as argument.""" ret = unidiff.PatchSet() current_patch = None for line in diff: # check for source file header check_source = unidiff.RE_SOURCE_FILENAME.match(line) if check_source: source_file ='filename') current_patch = None continue # check for target file header check_target = unidiff.RE_TARGET_FILENAME.match(line) if check_target: target_file ='filename') current_patch = unidiff.PatchedFile(source_file, target_file) ret.append(current_patch) continue # check for hunk header re_hunk_header = unidiff.RE_HUNK_HEADER.match(line) if re_hunk_header: hunk_info = re_hunk_header.groups() hunk = unidiff._parse_hunk(diff, *hunk_info) current_patch.append(hunk) return ret
# テキスト差分取得クラス # 内部処理にdifflibのSequenceMatcherクラスを使用している
[docs]class Differ: r"""Differ is a class for comparing sequences of lines of text, and producing human-readable differences or deltas. Differ uses SequenceMatcher both to compare sequences of lines, and to compare sequences of characters within similar (near-matching) lines. Example: >>> text1 = ''' 1. Beautiful is better than ugly. ... 2. Explicit is better than implicit. ... 3. Simple is better than complex. ... 4. Complex is better than complicated. ... '''.splitlines(1) >>> >>> text2 = ''' 1. Beautiful is better than ugly. ... 3. Simple is better than complex. ... 4. Complicated is better than complex. ... 5. Flat is better than nested. ... '''.splitlines(1) >>> >>> d = Differ() >>> >>> result = list(, text2)) >>> >>> import pprint >>> pprint.pprint(result, width=120) [((' ', 0, ' 1. Beautiful is better than ugly.\n', 0, ' 1. Beautiful is better than ugly.\n'), None), (('<', 1, ' 2. Explicit is better than implicit.\n', None, None), None), (('|', 2, ' 3. Simple is better than complex.\n', 1, ' 3. Simple is better than complex.\n'), [(' ', ' 3.', ' 3.'), ('+', None, ' '), (' ', ' Simple is better than complex.\n', ' Simple is better than complex.\n')]), (('|', 3, ' 4. Complex is better than complicated.\n', 2, ' 4. Complicated is better than complex.\n'), [(' ', ' 4. Compl', ' 4. Compl'), ('+', None, 'icat'), (' ', 'e', 'e'), ('!', 'x', 'd'), (' ', ' is better than compl', ' is better than compl'), ('-', 'icat', None), (' ', 'e', 'e'), ('!', 'd', 'x'), (' ', '.\n', '.\n')]), (('>', None, None, 3, ' 5. Flat is better than nested.\n'), None), None] """ # Differクラスの初期化処理、 # いくつかのオプションを指定できる。 # * cutoff # SequenceMatcherクラスによって変更が検出されたチェンジセットに対して # 前後で異なる行であると判別する最低の割合。 # cutoff=0をfuzzy=1と共に指定するとsdiffコマンドと同様の出力が得られる # * fuzzy # SequenceMatcherクラスによって通常変更が検出されたチェンジセットの中で # ベストにマッチした行、次にベストにマッチした行・・・と比較とマッチングを行うが # その際にベストではないにしても登場順(行番号)が近いことを優先して # マッチングを行う場合のベストマッチからの相対割合、 # cutoffに0を指定し、すべての変更チェンジセットを必ず最大限にマッチさせ # fuzzyに1を指定し、マッチ率に依存しない登場順のみを考慮したマッチングを # 行えば、sdiffコマンドと同様の出力が得られる # * cutoffchar # cutoffオプションの行内差分ヴァージョン。 # 行内差分での変更が検出された箇所で同期を取るかを指定する。 # * context # 差分をコンテキストで取得するか、その場合の前後行の数を指定する。 # 差分をすべてフルで出力する場合はNoneを指定する。 def __init__(self, linejunk=None, charjunk=None, cutoff=0.75, fuzzy=0.0, cutoffchar=False, context=3): """Construct a text differencer, with options. """ self.linejunk = linejunk self.charjunk = charjunk self.cutoff = cutoff self.fuzzy = fuzzy self.cutoffchar = cutoffchar self.context = context return # 2つのテキストの差分を取得する
[docs] def compare(self, text1, text2): r""" Compare two sequences of lines; generate the resulting delta. Example: >>> text1 = '''one ... two ... three ... '''.splitlines(1) >>> >>> text2 = '''ore ... tree ... emu ... '''.splitlines(1) >>> >>> import pprint >>> >>> pprint.pprint(list(Differ().compare(text1, text2)), width=100) [(('>', None, None, 0, 'ore\n'), None), (('<', 0, 'one\n', None, None), None), (('<', 1, 'two\n', None, None), None), (('|', 2, 'three\n', 1, 'tree\n'), [(' ', 't', 't'), ('-', 'h', None), (' ', 'ree\n', 'ree\n')]), (('>', None, None, 2, 'emu\n'), None), None] >>> >>> # like sdiff >>> pprint.pprint(list(Differ(cutoff=0, fuzzy=1).compare(text1, text2)), width=100) [(('|', 0, 'one\n', 0, 'ore\n'), [(' ', 'o', 'o'), ('!', 'n', 'r'), (' ', 'e\n', 'e\n')]), (('|', 1, 'two\n', 1, 'tree\n'), [(' ', 't', 't'), ('!', 'wo', 'ree'), (' ', '\n', '\n')]), (('|', 2, 'three\n', 2, 'emu\n'), [('-', 'thr', None), (' ', 'e', 'e'), ('!', 'e', 'mu'), (' ', '\n', '\n')]), None] """ # SequenceMatcherのインスタンスを生成する cruncher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(self.linejunk, text1, text2) # コンテキスト差分オプションがNoneでない場合は if self.context != None: # get_grouped_opcodesを使う opcodes = cruncher.get_grouped_opcodes(self.context) else: # get_opcodesを使う、ただしget_grouped_opcodesとインタフェースを # 合わせるために呼び出した後1枚リストをかぶせる opcodes = [cruncher.get_opcodes()] # 差分の纏まりのグループごとにループする for opcode in opcodes: # 差分の纏まりごとにループする for (tag, text1_low, text1_high, text2_low, text2_high) in opcode: # タグが変更の場合は if tag == 'replace': # さらにその変更の纏まり(複数行)のなかから、 # もっともマッチした行を検知し、その前後で # 再びもっともマッチした行を検知し、その前後で・・・ # という再帰処理を行い、もっとも見た目が良い前後比較を作成する gen = self._fancy_replace(text1, text1_low, text1_high, text2, text2_low, text2_high) # ジェネレータを受け取るので要素を生成してyieldする for line in gen: yield line # タグが削除の場合は elif tag == 'delete': # 削除分の行を個別に生成して返す # 削除のタグは'<'とし、必要のない情報についてはNoneで返す for num1 in range(text1_low, text1_high): yield (('<', num1, text1[num1], None, None), None) # タグが追加の場合は elif tag == 'insert': # 追加分の行を個別に生成して返す # 追加のタグは'>'とし、必要のない情報についてはNoneで返す for num2 in range(text2_low, text2_high): yield (('>', None, None, num2, text2[num2]), None) # タグが一致の場合は elif tag == 'equal': # 互いの行数が一致することをassertで確認する assert text1_high - text1_low == text2_high - text2_low # 一致分の行を個別に生成して返す # 一致のタグは' 'とし、必要のない情報についてはNoneで返す for num1, num2 in zip(range(text1_low, text1_high), range(text2_low, text2_high)): yield ((' ', num1, text1[num1], num2, text2[num2]), None) # その他のタグを受け取った場合は else: # 予定外なので例外を飛ばす raise ValueError('unknown tag \'' + tag + '\'') # コンテキストの終わりをあらわすNoneを返す yield None return
# 1ブロックの線をもう一つと入れ替えるとき、 # *similar*線を求めてブロックを捜してください; # 最もあっている一組(あるとしても)が同期点として使われます、 # そして、ライン内違い採点は類似した一組の上でされます。 # しばしばそれの価値があるが、たくさんの仕事。 def _fancy_replace(self, text1, text1_low, text1_high, text2, text2_low, text2_high): r""" When replacing one block of lines with another, search the blocks for *similar* lines; the best-matching pair (if any) is used as a synch point, and intraline difference marking is done on the similar pair. Lots of work, but often worth it. Example: >>> text1 = '''teststring ... '''.splitlines(1) >>> >>> text2 = '''poststream ... '''.splitlines(1) >>> >>> import pprint >>> >>> >>> #pprint.pprint(list(Differ().compare(text1, text2)), width=100) >>> >>> results = Differ()._fancy_replace(text1, 0, 1, ... text2, 0, 1) >>> pprint.pprint(list(results)) [(('<', 0, 'teststring\n', None, None), None), (('>', None, None, 0, 'poststream\n'), None)] >>> >>> results = Differ(cutoff=0, fuzzy=1)._fancy_replace(text1, 0, 1, ... text2, 0, 1) >>> pprint.pprint(list(results)) [(('|', 0, 'teststring\n', 0, 'poststream\n'), [('!', 'te', 'po'), (' ', 'ststr', 'ststr'), ('!', 'ing', 'eam'), (' ', '\n', '\n')])] >>> >>> results = Differ(cutoff=0, fuzzy=1, cutoffchar=True)._fancy_replace(text1, 0, 1, ... text2, 0, 1) >>> pprint.pprint(list(results)) [(('|', 0, 'teststring\n', 0, 'poststream\n'), [('-', 'te', None), ('+', None, 'po'), (' ', 'ststr', 'ststr'), ('-', 'ing', None), ('+', None, 'eam'), (' ', '\n', '\n')])] """ # don't synch up unless the lines have a similarity score of at # least cutoff; best_ratio tracks the best score seen so far # 文字列がcutoffに到達しない場合は左右に並べません # best_ratioは、それまでで最もマッチした割合を記憶しています best_ratio = self.cutoff best_found = False cruncher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(self.charjunk) # 1st indices of equal lines (if any) equal_text1_pos, equal_text2_pos = None, None # search for the pair that matches best without being identical # (identical lines must be junk lines, & we don't want to synch up # on junk -- unless we have to) # まったく同一ではなく、かつ最もマッチする一組をサーチする # (同一の文字列はジャンク文字列でなければならない、 #  特別そうしたい場合以外は、ジャンクで同期すべきではない) # text2について繰り返し処理する for text2_pos in range(text2_low, text2_high): # 取得したtext2の1行をSequenceMatcherにセットする cruncher.set_seq2(text2[text2_pos]) # text1について繰り返し処理する for text1_pos in range(text1_low, text1_high): # 取得したtext1の1行とtext2の1行が完全一致する場合は if text1[text1_pos] == text2[text2_pos]: # すでに完全一致ペアが見つかって居ない場合は if equal_text1_pos is None: # 今回のペアを最初の完全一致ペアとして記憶する equal_text1_pos = text1_pos equal_text2_pos = text2_pos # このペアでやるべきことは何も無いので次のループへ continue # 取得したtext1の1行をSequenceMatcherにセットする cruncher.set_seq1(text1[text1_pos]) # computing similarity is expensive, so use the quick # upper bounds first -- have seen this speed up messy # compares by a factor of 3. # note that ratio() is only expensive to compute the first # time it's called on a sequence pair; the expensive part # of the computation is cached by cruncher # 類似性の計算にはコストが掛かるので、 # まずは上限の境界をすばやく判定する。 # (これで比較の速度が3倍に上がることがある) # ratio()よりも限定された機能をもったquick_ratio() # もしくはreal_quick_ratio()を最初に試す。 # 計算の高価な一部は、クランチャーによって貯蔵されます # すでにベストマッチが見つかっていれば # fuzzyを設定する if best_found: fuzzy = self.fuzzy # それ以外の場合はfuzzyに0をセットする else: fuzzy = 0 # この文字列全体のマッチ率を返す3つのメソッドは、 # 異なる近似値に基づく異なる結果を返す。 # とはいえ、quick_ratio()と real_quick_ratio()は、 # 常にratio()より大きな値を返す。 # >>> s = SequenceMatcher(None, "abcd", "bcde") # >>> s.ratio() # 0.75 # >>> s.quick_ratio() # 0.75 # >>> s.real_quick_ratio() # 1.0 if (cruncher.real_quick_ratio() > best_ratio + fuzzy and cruncher.quick_ratio() > best_ratio + fuzzy and cruncher.ratio() > best_ratio + fuzzy): # 新たなベストマッチ(既存のベストマッチを # 超えるマッチ率のペア)を見つけた best_found = True best_ratio = cruncher.ratio() best_i = text1_pos best_j = text2_pos # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ベストマッチのマッチ率がcutoffを超えていない場合は if not best_ratio > self.cutoff: # no non-identical "pretty close" pair # 『同一でない「かなり近い」ペア』が無い # 同一のペアも無い場合は if equal_text1_pos is None: # no identical pair either -- treat it as a straight replace # 単純に完全に置き換えられた文字列の集まりとする # '|'が存在せず、'>'および'<'、もしくは'>'および'<' # の集まりとする。 # どちらが採用されるかはそれぞれの行数によって決まる # 行が少ないほうが先に返される。 # dump the shorter block first -- reduces the burden on short-term # memory if the blocks are of very different sizes # 最初により少ない行数を処理する # これは行数非常に異なるサイズの場合に、メモリ上の負荷を減らす効果がある # text2のほうがtext1より行数が少ない場合は if text2_high - text2_low < text1_high - text1_low: # text2について全行を'>'としてyieldする for num2 in range(text2_low, text2_high): yield (('>', None, None, num2, text2[num2]), None) # text1について全行を'<'としてyieldする for num1 in range(text1_low, text1_high): yield (('<', num1, text1[num1], None, None), None) # text1のほうがtext2より行数が少ない場合は else: # text1について全行を'<'としてyieldする for num1 in range(text1_low, text1_high): yield (('<', num1, text1[num1], None, None), None) # text2について全行を'>'としてyieldする for num2 in range(text2_low, text2_high): yield (('>', None, None, num2, text2[num2]), None) return # no close pair, but an identical pair -- synch up on that # 『同一でない「かなり近い」ペア』は無いが、 # 同一のペアがあるので、それで同期を取る best_i = equal_text1_pos best_j = equal_text2_pos best_ratio = 1.0 else: # there's a close pair, so forget the identical pair (if any) # 『同一でない「かなり近い」ペア』が有る。 # そのため、同一のペアを忘れる(たとえあるとしても) equal_text1_pos = None # ------------------------------------------------------------ # a[best_i] very similar to b[best_j]; equal_text1_pos is None iff they're not # identical # この時点ではtext1[best_i]とtext2[best_j]は最適なペア(同一であるか # もしくは非常に似ているペア)となっている # 同一のペアである場合は、equal_text1_posはNoneではない # 非常に似ているペアの場合は、equal_text1_posはNoneとなっている # pump out diffs from before the synch point # 同期点(最適なペア)で区切った場合の前半に対して # 再帰的に同じ処理を行う(前半がなくなるまで続く) for line in self._fancy_helper(text1, text1_low, best_i, text2, text2_low, best_j): yield line # do intraline marking on the synch pair # 最適なペアについて行内差分を取得する text1_elt = text1[best_i] text2_elt = text2[best_j] # 非常に似ているペアの場合は(同一のペアでない場合は) if equal_text1_pos is None: # pump out a '-', '?', '+', '?' quad for the synched lines # 同期する文字列に対して判定を行い、'!' '-' '+' ' ' を設定する # * '!' : 変更 # * '-' : 削除 # * '+' : 追加 # * ' ' : 同一 line_tags = '' # SequenceMatcherを使用して差分を取得する cruncher.set_seqs(text1_elt, text2_elt) linediff_list = [] # 差分をグループごとに取得 for (tag, text1_i1, text1_i2, text2_j1, text2_j2) in cruncher.get_opcodes(): # グループ内のそれぞれの文字数を記憶する la = text1_i2 - text1_i1 lb = text2_j2 - text2_j1 text1_elta = text1_elt[text1_i1:text1_i2] text2_elta = text2_elt[text2_j1:text2_j2] # 変更の場合 if tag == 'replace': # 変更した文字をすべて同期して'!'で返すか、 # 個別に'-'および'+'で返すかを判定する # (ratio()は0であることが確定しているので計算しない) # (メモリの負荷はそれほど考慮しなくてよいので'+'および'-'では #  表示しない) if self.cutoffchar: # 個別に'-'および'+'で表示する linediff_list.append(('-', text1_elta, None)) linediff_list.append(('+', None, text2_elta)) else: # すべて同期して'!'で表示する linediff_list.append(('!', text1_elta, text2_elta)) # 削除の場合 elif tag == 'delete': linediff_list.append(('-', text1_elta, None)) # 追加の場合 elif tag == 'insert': linediff_list.append(('+', None, text2_elta)) # 同一の場合 elif tag == 'equal': linediff_list.append((' ', text1_elta, text2_elta)) # その他のタグを受け取った場合は else: # 予定外なので例外を飛ばす raise ValueError('unknown tag \'' + tag + '\'') yield (('|', best_i, text1_elt, best_j, text2_elt), linediff_list) else: # the synch pair is identical # ペアは同一 yield ((' ', best_i, text1_elt, best_j, text2_elt), None) # pump out diffs from after the synch point # 同期点(最適なペア)で区切った場合の後半に対して # 再帰的に同じ処理を行う(後半がなくなるまで続く) for line in self._fancy_helper(text1, best_i+1, text1_high, text2, best_j+1, text2_high): yield line return # _fancy_replace()内から分割点の前半と後半の2回再帰的に # 呼び出される際に使用される関数 def _fancy_helper(self, text1, text1_low, text1_high, text2, text2_low, text2_high): g = [] # text1が存在する if text1_low < text1_high: # text2が存在する if text2_low < text2_high: # text1とtext2が両方存在するので # _fancy_replace()を再帰的に呼び出す g = self._fancy_replace(text1, text1_low, text1_high, text2, text2_low, text2_high) # イテレータが返るのでそのままyieldする for line in g: yield line else: # text1が存在してtext2が無いので、 # text1について'<'で返す for num1 in range(text1_low, text1_high): yield (('<', num1, text1[num1], None, None), None) # text2が存在する elif text2_low < text2_high: # text2が存在してtext1が無いので、 # text2について'>'で返す for num2 in range(text2_low, text2_high): yield (('>', None, None, num2, text2[num2]), None) return @staticmethod def _colordiff(text_array, linediff, side): # side is 0(left) or 1(right) colortext_array = [] index = 0 index_linediff = 0 for text in text_array: colortext = '' while len(text) > 0: if linediff[index][side + 1] is None: index += 1 index_linediff = 0 continue chartag = linediff[index][0] linediff_delta = linediff[index][side + 1][index_linediff:] minlen = min((len(text), len(linediff_delta))) text = text[minlen:] deltatext = linediff_delta[:minlen].replace('\t', ' ') scolor = getcolor(True, chartag, side, 0) ecolor = getcolor(True, chartag, side, 1) colortext += scolor colortext += deltatext colortext += ecolor if len(linediff_delta) == minlen: index += 1 index_linediff = 0 else: index_linediff += minlen colortext_array.append(colortext) return colortext_array # 差分についてプレーンテキストでフォーマッティングを行う関数 # (行内差分についてはサポートしていない)
[docs] @staticmethod def formattext(tag, num1, text1, num2, text2, width, withcolor=False, linediff=None): """ Example: >>> Differ.formattext('|', 1, 'aaa', 2, 'bbb', 80) [' 2|aaa | 3|bbb'] >>> Differ.formattext('|', 1, 'aaa', 2, 'bbb', 60) [' 2|aaa | 3|bbb'] >>> Differ.formattext(' ', 1, 'aaa', 2, 'aaa', 80) [' 2|aaa 3|aaa'] >>> Differ.formattext('<', 1, 'aaa', None, None, 80) [' 2|aaa < |'] >>> Differ.formattext('>', None, None, 2, 'bbb', 80) [' | > 3|bbb'] >>> import pprint >>> pprint.pprint(Differ.formattext('>', ... 1, 'a' * 60, ... 2, 'b' * 20, 60)) [' 2|aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa > 3|bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb', ' ^|aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ^ |', ' ^|aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ^ |'] """ assert width >= (6 + 1 + 2) + (1 + 1 + 1) + (6 + 1 + 2) textwidth = int((width - ((6 + 1 + 0) + (1 + 1 + 1) + (6 + 1 + 0))) / 2) lines = [] line = '' if num1 == None: num1 = '' if num2 == None: num2 = '' if text1 == None: text1 = '' if text2 == None: text2 = '' text1 = text1.rstrip('\r\n') text2 = text2.rstrip('\r\n') text1 = text1.replace('\t', ' ') text2 = text2.replace('\t', ' ') text1_array = strwidthdiv(text1, textwidth) text2_array = strwidthdiv(text2, textwidth) if tag == '|' and withcolor and linediff is not None: colortext1_array = Differ._colordiff(text1_array, linediff, 0) colortext2_array = Differ._colordiff(text2_array, linediff, 1) elif (tag == '<' or tag == '>') and withcolor: scolor = getcolor(True, tag, 0, 0) ecolor = getcolor(True, tag, 0, 1) colortext1_array = [] for i, text1 in enumerate(text1_array): colortext1_array.append(scolor + text1 + ecolor) scolor = getcolor(True, tag, 1, 0) ecolor = getcolor(True, tag, 1, 1) colortext2_array = [] for i, text2 in enumerate(text2_array): colortext2_array.append(scolor + text2 + ecolor) else: colortext1_array = text1_array colortext2_array = text2_array for i in range(max(len(text1_array), len(text2_array))): if isinstance(num1, int): if i == 0: pnum1 = str(num1 + 1) else: pnum1 = '^' else: pnum1 = '' if isinstance(num2, int): if i == 0: pnum2 = str(num2 + 1) else: pnum2 = '^' else: pnum2 = '' try: ptext1 = text1_array[i] except(IndexError): pnum1 = '' ptext1 = '' try: ptext2 = text2_array[i] except(IndexError): pnum2 = '' ptext2 = '' try: ctext1 = colortext1_array[i] except(IndexError): ctext1 = '' try: ctext2 = colortext2_array[i] except(IndexError): ctext2 = '' # (6 + 1 + x) + (1 + 1 + 1) + (6 + 1 + y) line += (pnum1.rjust(6)) line += ('|') line += (ctext1) line += (max(textwidth - strwidth(ptext1), 0) * ' ' + '') if i == 0: line += (' ' + tag + ' ') elif tag == ' ': line += (' ' + ' ' + ' ') else: line += (' ' + '^' + ' ') line += (pnum2.rjust(6)) line += ('|') line += (ctext2) lines.append(line) line = '' return lines
# 行内差分についてプレーンテキストでフォーマッティングを行う関数
[docs] @staticmethod def formatlinetext(num1, num2, linediff, width, withcolor=False): """ Example: >>> import pprint >>> pprint.pprint(Differ.formatlinetext(1, 2, ... [('!', 'bbb', 'aaaaa'), ... (' ', 'cc', 'cc'), ... ('+', None, 'dd'), ... ('-', 'ee', None)], 80)) ['[ ] |!!!++ ++--', '[ <- ] 2|bbb cc ee', '[ -> ] 3|aaaaaccdd '] """ if withcolor: return None assert width >= (7 + 6 + 1) + 2 textwidth = width - (7 + 6 + 1) lines = [] buffertag = '' buffertext1 = '' buffertext2 = '' for tag, text1, text2 in linediff: if text1 != None: text1 = text1.replace('\r', ' ') text1 = text1.replace('\n', ' ') text1 = text1.replace('\t', ' ') if text2 != None: text2 = text2.replace('\r', ' ') text2 = text2.replace('\n', ' ') text2 = text2.replace('\t', ' ') if tag == ' ': buffertag += ' ' * strwidth(text1) buffertext1 += text1 buffertext2 += text2 elif tag == '+': buffertag += '+' * strwidth(text2) buffertext1 += ' ' * strwidth(text2) buffertext2 += text2 elif tag == '-': buffertag += '-' * strwidth(text1) buffertext1 += text1 buffertext2 += ' ' * strwidth(text1) elif tag == '!': maxwidth = max(strwidth(text1), strwidth(text2)) minwidth = min(strwidth(text1), strwidth(text2)) subtag = '!' if strwidth(text1) < strwidth(text2): subtag = '+' buffertag += tag * minwidth + subtag * (strwidth(text2) - strwidth(text1)) else: subtag = '-' buffertag += tag * minwidth + subtag * (strwidth(text1) - strwidth(text2)) buffertext1 += text1[:minwidth] buffertext1 += text1[minwidth:] buffertext1 += ' ' * (maxwidth - strwidth(text1)) buffertext2 += text2[:minwidth] buffertext2 += text2[minwidth:] buffertext2 += ' ' * (maxwidth - strwidth(text2)) (taglines, text1lines, text2lines) = strwidthdivsync((buffertag, buffertext1, buffertext2), textwidth) for i in range(max(len(taglines), len(text1lines), len(text2lines))): line = '[ ]' line += ' ' * 6 line += '|' line += taglines[i]#.rstrip() lines.append(line) line = '[ <- ]' if i == 0: line += str(num1 + 1).rjust(6) else: line += '^'.rjust(6) line += '|' line += text1lines[i]#.rstrip() lines.append(line) line = '[ -> ]' if i == 0: line += str(num2 + 1).rjust(6) else: line += '^'.rjust(6) line += '|' line += text2lines[i]#.rstrip() lines.append(line) return lines
# filecmp.dircmp (ext_dircmp) # |-- left_list [files or dirs] # | |-- left_only [files or dirs] # | `-. |-- (ext_left_only_dirs) [dirs] # | | `-- (ext_left_only_files) [files] # `-- right_list [files or dirs] # |-- right_only [files or dirs] # | | |-- (ext_right_only_dirs) [dirs] # `-+ `-- (ext_right_only_files) [files] # | # `-- common [files or dirs] # |-- common_dirs [dirs] --> subdirs[common_dir] # |-- common_files [files] # | |-- same_files [files] # | |-- diff_files [files] # | `-- funny_files [files] # `-- common_funny [????] # |-- (ext_dirs_to_files) [dir <-> file] # |-- (ext_files_to_dirs) [file <-> dir ] # `-- (ext_common_funny) [????]
[docs]class ext_dircmp(filecmp.dircmp):
[docs] def phase1(self): # Compute common names filecmp.dircmp.phase1(self) self.ext_left_only_dirs = [x for x in self.left_only if os.path.isdir (os.path.join(self.left, x))] self.ext_right_only_dirs = [x for x in self.right_only if os.path.isdir (os.path.join(self.right, x))] self.ext_left_only_files = [x for x in self.left_only if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.left, x))] self.ext_right_only_files = [x for x in self.right_only if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.right, x))]
[docs] def phase2(self): # Distinguish files, directories, funnies self.common_dirs = [] self.common_files = [] self.common_funny = [] self.ext_dirs_to_files = [] self.ext_files_to_dirs = [] self.ext_common_funny = [] for x in self.common: a_path = os.path.join(self.left, x) b_path = os.path.join(self.right, x) ok = 1 try: a_stat = os.stat(a_path) except os.error: ok = 0 try: b_stat = os.stat(b_path) except os.error: ok = 0 if ok: a_type = stat.S_IFMT(a_stat.st_mode) b_type = stat.S_IFMT(b_stat.st_mode) if a_type != b_type: self.common_funny.append(x) if stat.S_ISDIR(a_type) and stat.S_ISREG(b_type): self.ext_dirs_to_files.append(x) elif stat.S_ISREG(a_type) and stat.S_ISDIR(b_type): self.ext_files_to_dirs.append(x) else: self.ext_common_funny.append(x) elif stat.S_ISDIR(a_type): self.common_dirs.append(x) elif stat.S_ISREG(a_type): self.common_files.append(x) else: self.common_funny.append(x) self.ext_common_funny.append(x) else: self.common_funny.append(x) self.ext_common_funny.append(x)
[docs] def phase3(self): # Find out differences between common files xx = filecmp.cmpfiles(self.left, self.right, self.common_files, shallow=0) self.same_files, self.diff_files, self.funny_files = xx
[docs] def phase4(self): # Find out differences between common subdirectories # A new dircmp object is created for each common subdirectory, # these are stored in a dictionary indexed by filename. # The hide and ignore properties are inherited from the parent self.subdirs = {} for x in self.common_dirs: a_x = os.path.join(self.left, x) b_x = os.path.join(self.right, x) self.subdirs[x] = ext_dircmp(a_x, b_x, self.ignore, self.hide)
def __getattr__(self, attr): methodmap = {'subdirs' : self.phase4, 'same_files' : self.phase3, 'diff_files' : self.phase3, 'funny_files' : self.phase3, 'common_dirs' : self.phase2, 'common_files' : self.phase2, 'common_funny' : self.phase2, 'ext_dirs_to_files' : self.phase2, 'ext_files_to_dirs' : self.phase2, 'ext_common_funny' : self.phase2, 'common' : self.phase1, 'left_only' : self.phase1, 'ext_left_only_dirs' : self.phase1, 'ext_left_only_files' : self.phase1, 'right_only' : self.phase1, 'ext_right_only_dirs' : self.phase1, 'ext_right_only_files' : self.phase1, 'left_list' : self.phase0, 'right_list' : self.phase0} if attr not in methodmap: raise AttributeError(attr) methodmap[attr]() return getattr(self, attr)
[docs] def dirtree(self): left_dirset = set(self.ext_left_only_dirs + self.common_dirs + self.ext_dirs_to_files) left_fileset = set(self.ext_files_to_dirs + self.ext_left_only_files + self.same_files + self.diff_files + self.funny_files + self.ext_common_funny) right_dirset = set(self.ext_right_only_dirs + self.common_dirs + self.ext_files_to_dirs) right_fileset = set(self.ext_dirs_to_files + self.ext_right_only_files + self.same_files + self.diff_files + self.funny_files + self.ext_common_funny) left_list = ([('d', left_dir) for left_dir in sorted(left_dirset)] + [('f', left_file) for left_file in sorted(left_fileset)]) right_list = ([('d', right_dir) for right_dir in sorted(right_dirset)] + [('f', right_file) for right_file in sorted(right_fileset)]) if len(left_list): last_left = left_list[-1] left_islast = False else: left_islast = None if len(right_list): last_right = right_list[-1] right_islast = False else: right_islast = None ftype = 'd' dirset = set(self.ext_left_only_dirs + self.ext_right_only_dirs + self.common_dirs + self.ext_dirs_to_files + self.ext_files_to_dirs) for dirname in sorted(dirset): dircmpobj = None if (dirname in self.ext_left_only_dirs or dirname in self.ext_dirs_to_files): tag = '<' elif (dirname in self.ext_right_only_dirs or dirname in self.ext_files_to_dirs): tag = '>' elif dirname in self.common_dirs: tag = ' ' dircmpobj = self.subdirs[dirname] else: tag = '?' if (left_islast is not None and last_left[0] == ftype and last_left[1] == dirname): left_islast = True if (right_islast is not None and last_right[0] == ftype and last_right[1] == dirname): right_islast = True yield (ftype, tag, dirname, dircmpobj, left_islast, right_islast) if left_islast: left_islast = None if right_islast: right_islast = None ftype = 'f' fileset = set(self.ext_dirs_to_files + self.ext_files_to_dirs + self.ext_left_only_files + self.ext_right_only_files + self.same_files + self.diff_files + self.funny_files + self.ext_common_funny) for filename in sorted(fileset): if (filename in self.ext_files_to_dirs or filename in self.ext_left_only_files): tag = '<' elif (filename in self.ext_dirs_to_files or filename in self.ext_right_only_files): tag = '>' elif filename in self.same_files: tag = ' ' elif filename in self.diff_files: tag = '|' else: tag = '?' if (left_islast is not None and last_left[0] == ftype and last_left[1] == filename): left_islast = True if (right_islast is not None and last_right[0] == ftype and last_right[1] == filename): right_islast = True yield (ftype, tag, filename, None, left_islast, right_islast) if left_islast: left_islast = None if right_islast: right_islast = None return
[docs]def formatdircmp(tag, head1, text1, head2, text2, width, cont_mark1='^', cont_mark2='^', sep_mark='|', withcolor=False): pwidth = ((strwidth(head1) + strwidth(sep_mark)) + (1 + strwidth(tag) + 1) + (strwidth(head2) + strwidth(sep_mark))) assert width >= pwidth textwidth = int((width - pwidth) / 2) text1_array = strwidthdiv(text1, textwidth) text2_array = strwidthdiv(text2, textwidth) for i in range(max(len(text1_array), len(text2_array))): line = '' if i != 0: head1 = cont_mark1 if i != 0: head2 = cont_mark2 try: ptext1 = text1_array[i] except(IndexError): ptext1 = '' try: ptext2 = text2_array[i] except(IndexError): ptext2 = '' line += head1 line += sep_mark line += getcolor(withcolor, tag, 0, 0, isdircmp=True) line += ptext1 line += getcolor(withcolor, tag, 0, 1, isdircmp=True) line += (max(textwidth - strwidth(ptext1), 0) * ' ' + '') if i == 0: line += (' ' + tag + ' ') elif tag == ' ': line += (' ' + ' ' + ' ') else: line += (' ' + '^' + ' ') line += head2 line += sep_mark line += getcolor(withcolor, tag, 1, 0, isdircmp=True) line += ptext2 line += getcolor(withcolor, tag, 1, 1, isdircmp=True) yield line return
# 独自の形式で等幅フォントのターミナルで表示するための文字列の差分を返す。
[docs]def original_diff(lines1, lines2, linejunk, charjunk, cutoff, fuzzy, cutoffchar, context, width, withcolor=False): r""" Example: >>> text1 = ''' 1. Beautiful is better than ugly. ... 2. Explicit is better than implicit. ... 3. Simple is better than complex. ... 4. Complex is better than complicated. ... '''.splitlines(1) >>> >>> text2 = ''' 1. Beautiful is better than ugly. ... 3. Simple is better than complex. ... 4. Complicated is better than complex. ... 5. Flat is better than nested. ... '''.splitlines(1) >>> >>> diff = original_diff(text1, text2, linejunk=None, charjunk=None, ... cutoff=0.1, fuzzy=0, ... cutoffchar=False, context=5, ... width=100) >>> for line in diff: print('\'' + line + '\'') ' 1| 1. Beautiful is better than ugly. 1| 1. Beautiful is better than ugly.' ' 2| 2. Explicit is better than implicit. < |' ' 3| 3. Simple is better than complex. | 2| 3. Simple is better than complex.' ' 4| 4. Complex is better than complicated. | 3| 4. Complicated is better than complex.' ' | > 4| 5. Flat is better than nested.' '' '[ ] | ++ ' '[ <- ] 3| 3. Simple is better than complex. ' '[ -> ] 2| 3. Simple is better than complex. ' '' '[ ] | ++++ ! ---- ! ' '[ <- ] 4| 4. Compl ex is better than complicated. ' '[ -> ] 3| 4. Complicated is better than compl ex. ' '' """ lines1 = [expandtabs(line, tabsize=4) for line in lines1] lines2 = [expandtabs(line, tabsize=4) for line in lines2] # 差分を抽出 differ = Differ(linejunk=linejunk, charjunk=charjunk, cutoff=cutoff, cutoffchar=cutoffchar, fuzzy=fuzzy, context=context) textlinediffs = [] for diff in, lines2): if diff == None: yield '' for textlinediff in textlinediffs: for textline in textlinediff: yield textline yield '' textlinediffs = [] continue ((tag, num1, text1, num2, text2), linediff) = diff for line in differ.formattext(tag, num1, text1, num2, text2, width, withcolor=withcolor, linediff=linediff): yield line if tag == '|': linetext = differ.formatlinetext(num1, num2, linediff, width, withcolor=withcolor) if linetext is not None: textlinediffs.append(linetext)
[docs]def dircmp(dir1, dir2, enc_filepath='utf-8', recursive=False): r"""Compare directories.""" dircmp = ext_dircmp(dir1, dir2) dircmps = [dircmp] dirtrees = [dircmp.dirtree()] heads1 = ['|'] heads2 = ['|'] while dirtrees: for dirtree in dirtrees[-1]: (ftype, tag, filepath, dircmpobj, left_islast, right_islast) = dirtree try: upath = filepath.decode(enc_filepath) except(AttributeError): upath = filepath if left_islast: heads1.pop() heads1.append('`') elif left_islast is None: heads1.pop() heads1.append(' ') if right_islast: heads2.pop() heads2.append('`') elif right_islast is None: heads2.pop() heads2.append(' ') head1 = ' '.join(heads1) head2 = ' '.join(heads2) if left_islast: heads1.pop() heads1.append(' ') if right_islast: heads2.pop() heads2.append(' ') cont_mark1 = ' '.join(heads1) + ' ' cont_mark2 = ' '.join(heads2) + ' ' if ftype == 'd': upath += '/' mark = '-+ ' elif ftype == 'f': mark = '-- ' else: pass if tag == '<': text1 = upath text2 = '' head1 += mark head2 += ' ' elif tag == '>': text1 = '' text2 = upath head1 += ' ' head2 += mark else: text1 = upath text2 = upath if not recursive and dircmpobj is not None: tag = '?' head1 += '-+ ' head2 += '-+ ' else: head1 += '-- ' head2 += '-- ' filepair = None if ftype == 'f' and tag == '|': path1 = os.path.join(dircmps[-1].left, filepath) path2 = os.path.join(dircmps[-1].right, filepath) try: upath1 = path1.decode(enc_filepath) except(AttributeError): upath1 = path1 try: upath2 = path2.decode(enc_filepath) except(AttributeError): upath2 = path2 filepair = (upath1, upath2) yield (tag, head1, text1, head2, text2, cont_mark1, cont_mark2, filepair) if recursive and dircmpobj is not None: dircmps.append(dircmpobj) dirtrees.append(dircmpobj.dirtree()) heads1.append('|') heads2.append('|') break else: dircmps.pop() dirtrees.pop() heads1.pop() heads2.pop()
[docs]def parse_unidiff(diff): r"""Unified diff parser, takes a file-like object as argument. Example: >>> hg_diff = r'''diff -r dab26450e4b1 text2.txt ... --- a/text2.txt Sun Dec 15 17:38:49 2013 +0900 ... +++ b/text2.txt Sun Dec 15 17:43:09 2013 +0900 ... @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ ... -hoge ... +hogee ... +bar ... foo ... -bar ... ''' >>> diffs = parse_unidiff((line for line in hg_diff.splitlines())) >>> for (flag, diff) in diffs: ... if flag: print(diff) ... else: ... for hunk in diff: ... import pprint ... pprint.pprint(hunk.source_lines) ... pprint.pprint(hunk.target_lines) ... diff -r dab26450e4b1 text2.txt --- a/text2.txt Sun Dec 15 17:38:49 2013 +0900 +++ b/text2.txt Sun Dec 15 17:43:09 2013 +0900 ['hoge', 'foo', 'bar'] ['hogee', 'bar', 'foo'] >>> """ current_patch = None source_file = None for line in diff: # check for source file header check_source = unidiff.RE_SOURCE_FILENAME.match(line) if check_source: source_file ='filename') if current_patch is not None: yield (False, current_patch) # yield not junk current_patch = None yield (True, line.rstrip('\r\n')) # yield source header continue # check for target file header check_target = unidiff.RE_TARGET_FILENAME.match(line) if source_file and check_target: target_file ='filename') current_patch = unidiff.PatchedFile(source_file, target_file) yield (True, line.rstrip('\r\n')) # yield target header continue source_file = None # check for hunk header re_hunk_header = unidiff.RE_HUNK_HEADER.match(line) if current_patch is not None and re_hunk_header: hunk_info = re_hunk_header.groups() hunk = unidiff._parse_hunk(diff, *hunk_info) current_patch.append(hunk) else: if current_patch is not None: yield (False, current_patch) # yield not junk current_patch = None yield (True, line.rstrip('\r\n')) # yield junk if current_patch is not None: yield (False, current_patch) # yield not junk return
[docs]def parse_unidiff_and_original_diff( udiffs, linejunk, charjunk, cutoff, fuzzy, cutoffchar, context, width, withcolor=False): r""" Example: >>> svn_diff = u'''Index: some.png ... =================================================================== ... Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. ... svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream ... Index: text1.txt ... =================================================================== ... --- text1.txt (revision 1) ... +++ text1.txt (working copy) ... @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ ... 1. Beautiful is better than ugly. ... -2. Explicit is better than implicit. ... -3. Simple is better than complex. ... -4. Complex is better than complicated. ... +3. Simple is better than complex. ... +4. Complicated is better than complex. ... +5. Flat is better than nested. ... ''' >>> diff = parse_unidiff_and_original_diff( ... (line for line in svn_diff.splitlines()), ... linejunk=None, charjunk=None, ... cutoff=0.1, fuzzy=0, ... cutoffchar=False, context=5, ... width=100) >>> for line in diff: print('\'' + line + '\'') 'Index: some.png' '===================================================================' 'Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.' 'svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream' 'Index: text1.txt' '===================================================================' '--- text1.txt (revision 1)' '+++ text1.txt (working copy)' ' 1|1. Beautiful is better than ugly. 1|1. Beautiful is better than ugly.' ' 2|2. Explicit is better than implicit. < |' ' 3|3. Simple is better than complex. | 2|3. Simple is better than complex.' ' 4|4. Complex is better than complicated. | 3|4. Complicated is better than complex.' ' | > 4|5. Flat is better than nested.' '' '[ ] | ++ ' '[ <- ] 3|3. Simple is better than complex.' '[ -> ] 2|3. Simple is better than complex.' '' '[ ] | ++++ ! ---- ! ' '[ <- ] 4|4. Compl ex is better than complicated.' '[ -> ] 3|4. Complicated is better than compl ex.' '' >>> >>> hg_diff = u'''diff -r dab26450e4b1 some.png ... Binary file some.png has changed ... diff -r dab26450e4b1 text1.txt ... --- a/text1.txt Sun Dec 15 17:38:49 2013 +0900 ... +++ b/text1.txt Sun Dec 15 17:43:09 2013 +0900 ... @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ ... 1. Beautiful is better than ugly. ... -2. Explicit is better than implicit. ... -3. Simple is better than complex. ... -4. Complex is better than complicated. ... +3. Simple is better than complex. ... +4. Complicated is better than complex. ... +5. Flat is better than nested. ... ''' >>> diff = parse_unidiff_and_original_diff( ... (line for line in hg_diff.splitlines()), ... linejunk=None, charjunk=None, ... cutoff=0.1, fuzzy=0, ... cutoffchar=False, context=5, ... width=100) >>> for line in diff: print('\'' + line + '\'') 'diff -r dab26450e4b1 some.png' 'Binary file some.png has changed' 'diff -r dab26450e4b1 text1.txt' '--- a/text1.txt Sun Dec 15 17:38:49 2013 +0900' '+++ b/text1.txt Sun Dec 15 17:43:09 2013 +0900' ' 1|1. Beautiful is better than ugly. 1|1. Beautiful is better than ugly.' ' 2|2. Explicit is better than implicit. < |' ' 3|3. Simple is better than complex. | 2|3. Simple is better than complex.' ' 4|4. Complex is better than complicated. | 3|4. Complicated is better than complex.' ' | > 4|5. Flat is better than nested.' '' '[ ] | ++ ' '[ <- ] 3|3. Simple is better than complex.' '[ -> ] 2|3. Simple is better than complex.' '' '[ ] | ++++ ! ---- ! ' '[ <- ] 4|4. Compl ex is better than complicated.' '[ -> ] 3|4. Complicated is better than compl ex.' '' >>> """ diffs = parse_unidiff(udiffs) for (flag, diff) in diffs: if flag: yield diff else: for hunk in diff: lines1 = [expandtabs(line, tabsize=4) for line in hunk.source_lines] lines2 = [expandtabs(line, tabsize=4) for line in hunk.target_lines] # 差分を抽出 differ = Differ(linejunk=linejunk, charjunk=charjunk, cutoff=cutoff, cutoffchar=cutoffchar, fuzzy=fuzzy, context=context) textlinediffs = [] for diff in, lines2): if diff == None: yield '' for textlinediff in textlinediffs: for textline in textlinediff: yield textline yield '' textlinediffs = [] continue ((tag, num1, text1, num2, text2), linediff) = diff for line in differ.formattext( tag, hunk.source_start - 1 + num1 if num1 is not None else None, text1, hunk.target_start - 1 + num2 if num2 is not None else None, text2, width, withcolor=withcolor, linediff=linediff): yield line if tag == '|': linetext = differ.formatlinetext( hunk.source_start - 1 + num1, hunk.target_start - 1 + num2, linediff, width, withcolor=withcolor) if linetext is not None: textlinediffs.append(linetext) return
[docs]def getTerminalSize(): env = os.environ def ioctl_GWINSZ(fd): try: import fcntl, termios, struct cr = struct.unpack('hh', fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234')) except: return None return cr cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(0) or ioctl_GWINSZ(1) or ioctl_GWINSZ(2) if not cr: try: fd =, os.O_RDONLY) cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(fd) os.close(fd) except: pass if not cr: cr = (env.get('LINES', 25), env.get('COLUMNS', 80)) return int(cr[1]), int(cr[0])
[docs]def getdefaultencoding(): defaultencoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() if defaultencoding == 'ascii': return 'utf8' return defaultencoding
[docs]def main(): """main function""" # オプション解析 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__) parser.add_argument('file_or_dir_1', nargs='?', help='file or dir 1') parser.add_argument('file_or_dir_2', nargs='?', help='file or dir 2') # -fオプション: 差分を抽出した箇所以外のテキスト全体を表示する parser.add_argument('-f', '--full', action='store_true', default=False, help='Fulltext diff (default False) (disable context option)') # -cオプション: 差分を抽出した箇所の前後の行数を指定する(デフォルトは前後5行) parser.add_argument('-c', '--context', metavar='NUM', type=int, default=5, help='Set number of context lines (default 5)') # -wオプション: 差分表示時の最大の横幅を指定する(制限する) class CheckWidth(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if values <= 0: raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, 'set a larger number.') setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) parser.add_argument('-w', '--width', type=int, default=None, action=CheckWidth, help='Set number of width (default auto(or 130))') # -rオプション: ディレクトリ比較時にサブディレクトリが見つかった場合、再帰的に比較する parser.add_argument('-r', '--recursive', action='store_true', default=False, help='Recursively compare any subdirectories found. (default False)' ' (enable only compare directories)') class CheckRatio(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if not 0.0 <= values <= 1.0: raise argparse.ArgumentError( self, 'set number in range (0.0 <= number <= 1.0 ).') setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) # class CheckRegexp(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): try: re.compile(values) except: raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, 'wrong regexp') setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) parser.add_argument('--linejunk', type=str, action=CheckRegexp, help='linejunk') # parser.add_argument('--charjunk', type=str, action='store', help='charjunk') # --cutoffオプション: 差分抽出時の行マージ判定割合を指定する(デフォルトは75%) parser.add_argument('--cutoff', metavar='RATIO', type=float, default=0.75, action=CheckRatio, help='Set number of cutoff ratio (default 0.75) (0.0<=ratio<=1.0)') # --fuzzyオプション: 差分抽出時のマージ適用調節割合を指定する(デフォルトは0.0%) parser.add_argument('--fuzzy', type=float, metavar='RATIO', default=0.0, action=CheckRatio, help='Set number of fuzzy matching ratio (default 0.0) (0.0<=ratio<=1.0)') # --cutoffcharオプション: 差分抽出時に文字の変更を分けて表示するかどうかを指定する # (デフォルトはFlase(分けない)) parser.add_argument('--cutoffchar', action='store_true', default=False, help='Cutoff character in line diffs (default False)') class CheckCodec(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): try: values = codecs.lookup(values).name except(LookupError): raise argparse.ArgumentError( self, 'LookupError: unknown encoding \'' + values + '\'') setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) # --enc-file1オプション: 左側のファイルを開く際のコーデックを指定する(デフォルトはutf-8) parser.add_argument('--enc-file1', metavar='ENCODING', type=str, default='utf-8', action=CheckCodec, help='Set encoding of leftside inputfile1 (default utf-8)') # --enc-file2オプション: 右側のファイルを開く際のコーデックを指定する(デフォルトはutf-8) parser.add_argument('--enc-file2', metavar='ENCODING', type=str, default='utf-8', action=CheckCodec, help='Set encoding of rightside inputfile2 (default utf-8)') # --enc-stdinオプション: Unified形式の差分を標準入力する際のコーデックを指定する(デフォルトはdefaultencoding) parser.add_argument('--enc-stdin', metavar='ENCODING', type=str, default=getdefaultencoding(), action=CheckCodec, help='Set encoding of standard input (default `defaultencoding`)') # --enc-stdoutオプション: 差分を標準出力する際のコーデックを指定する(デフォルトはdefaultencoding) parser.add_argument('--enc-stdout', metavar='ENCODING', type=str, default=getdefaultencoding(), action=CheckCodec, help='Set encoding of standard output (default `defaultencoding`)') # --enc-filepathオプション: ファイル名に使用されるコーデックを指定する(デフォルトはdefaultencoding) parser.add_argument('--enc-filepath', metavar='ENCODING', type=str, default=getdefaultencoding(), action=CheckCodec, help='Set encoding of filepath (default `defaultencoding`)') # --ignore-crlfオプション: 改行コードの違い(crとlf)を無視する parser.add_argument('--ignore-crlf', action='store_true', default=False, help='Ignore carriage return (\'\\r\') and line feed (\'\\n\') (default False)') colormodes = {'always': True, 'never': False, 'auto': None} # --colorオプション: 色付き表示の指定(デフォルトはauto) parser.add_argument('--color', nargs='?', choices=colormodes.keys(), metavar='WHEN', type=str, default='auto', help='Show colored diff. --color is the same as --color=always.' ' WHEN can be one of always, never, or auto. (default auto)') # --no-colorオプション: 色付き表示無効の指定 parser.add_argument('--no-color', action='store_true', default=False, help='Turn off colored diff. override color option if both. (default False)') # --withbgオプション: 色付き表示での背景色有りの指定 parser.add_argument('--withbg', action='store_true', default=False, help='Colored diff with background color. ' 'It will be ignored if no-color option. (default False)') # -uオプション: 何もしない。 # Subversionから呼び出されてときにエラーとならないための互換性のためにある。 parser.add_argument('-u', action='store_true', help='Do nothing' ' (It is accepted only for compatibility with "svn diff --diff-cmd" interface)') # -Lオプション: 差分表示前にラベルを表示する(最大2回指定可能) # Subversionから呼び出された場合を想定したオプション。 label = [] class SetLabel(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if len(label) >= 2: # -Lオプションは3回以上指定してはいけない raise argparse.ArgumentError( self, 'set less than 3 times.') label.append(values) parser.add_argument("-L", type=str, action=SetLabel, help='label of file1 and file2(can set 2 times)') # --testオプション: テストコードを実行 parser.add_argument('--test', action='store_true', help='Test self') # オプション解析を実行 args = parser.parse_args() if args.test: import doctest doctest.testmod(verbose=True) parser.exit() file_or_dir1, file_or_dir2 = args.file_or_dir_1, args.file_or_dir_2 # 必須引数の個数が所定と異なる場合は if file_or_dir1 is None and file_or_dir2 is None: pass elif file_or_dir1 is not None and file_or_dir2 is not None: pass else: # メッセージを表示して終了 parser.error('Need to specify both a file1 and file2') context = args.context full = not args.full try: stdin_buffer = sys.stdin.buffer except(AttributeError): sys.stdin = codecs.getreader(args.enc_stdin)(sys.stdin) # python2.x else: sys.stdin = io.TextIOWrapper(stdin_buffer, encoding=args.enc_stdin) # python3.x try: stdout_buffer = sys.stdout.buffer except(AttributeError): sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(args.enc_stdout)(sys.stdout) # python2.x else: sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(stdout_buffer, encoding=args.enc_stdout) # python3.x if args.full: context = None else: context = args.context if args.linejunk != None: linejunk = lambda line: re.compile(args.linejunk).match(line) is not None else: linejunk = None if args.charjunk != None: charjunk = lambda char: char in args.charjunk else: charjunk = None if args.width is None: size = getTerminalSize() if size is not None: args.width = size[0] else: args.width = 130 withcolor = True if args.no_color is True: withcolor = False else: if args.color is None or colormodes[args.color] is True: withcolor = True elif colormodes[args.color] is False: withcolor = False else: if not sys.stdout.isatty(): withcolor = False if withcolor and args.withbg: global global_withbg global_withbg = True cmpdir = False cmplist = [] if file_or_dir1 is None: for line in parse_unidiff_and_original_diff( sys.stdin, linejunk=linejunk, charjunk=charjunk, cutoff=args.cutoff, fuzzy=args.fuzzy, cutoffchar=args.cutoffchar, context=context, width=args.width, withcolor=withcolor): print(line) elif os.path.isdir(file_or_dir1) and os.path.isdir(file_or_dir2): # diff [DIR] and [DIR] cmpdir = True for line in formatdircmp(' ', '', file_or_dir1 + '/', '', file_or_dir2 + '/', args.width, cont_mark1='', cont_mark2='', sep_mark='', withcolor=withcolor): print(line) for result in dircmp(file_or_dir1, file_or_dir2, args.enc_filepath, args.recursive): (tag, head1, text1, head2, text2, cont_mark1, cont_mark2, filepair) = result for line in formatdircmp(tag, head1, text1, head2, text2, args.width, cont_mark1=cont_mark1, cont_mark2=cont_mark2, sep_mark='', withcolor=withcolor): print(line) if filepair is not None: cmplist.append(filepair) print('') else: try: file_or_dir1 = file_or_dir1.decode(args.enc_filepath) # python2.x except(AttributeError): pass # python3.x try: file_or_dir2 = file_or_dir2.decode(args.enc_filepath) # python2.x except(AttributeError): pass # python3.x if os.path.isdir(file_or_dir1): # diff [DIR/FILE] and [FILE] cmplist = [(os.path.join(file_or_dir1, os.path.basename(file_or_dir2)), file_or_dir2)] elif os.path.isdir(file_or_dir2): # diff [FILE] and [DIR/FILE] cmplist = [(file_or_dir1, os.path.join(file_or_dir2, os.path.basename(file_or_dir1)))] else: # diff [FILE] and [FILE] cmplist = [(file_or_dir1, file_or_dir2)] for file1, file2 in cmplist: # ラベルが-Lオプションで明示的に指定されていなければ、 # ファイル名をラベルとして使用する if len(label) == 0: label.append(file1) if len(label) == 1: label.append(file2) is_text_file1 = None is_text_file2 = None if cmpdir: label[0] = file1 label[1] = file2 is_text_file1 = is_text(file1) is_text_file2 = is_text(file2) if not (is_text_file1 and is_text_file2): if is_text_file1: filetype1 = 'Text' else: filetype1 = 'Binary' if is_text_file2: filetype2 = 'Text' else: filetype2 = 'Binary' else: filetype1 = args.enc_file1 filetype2 = args.enc_file2 else: try: label[0] = label[0].decode(args.enc_filepath) # python2.x except(AttributeError): pass # python3.x try: label[1] = label[1].decode(args.enc_filepath) # python2.x except(AttributeError): pass # python3.x is_text_file1 = True is_text_file2 = True filetype1 = args.enc_file1 filetype2 = args.enc_file2 print('--- ' + label[0] + ' (' + filetype1 + ')') print('+++ ' + label[1] + ' (' + filetype2 + ')') if not (is_text_file1 and is_text_file2): print('Files ' + file1 + ' and ' + file2 + ' differ') print('') continue # 入力ファイルを開く lines1 = None lines2 = None try: # for Python3.x # lines1 = open(file1, 'r', encoding=args.enc_file1) # lines2 = open(file2, 'r', encoding=args.enc_file2) # for Python2.x lines1 =, 'r', encoding=args.enc_file1).readlines() lines2 =, 'r', encoding=args.enc_file2).readlines() # for Python2.x except IOError: if lines1 == None: filename = file1 else: filename = file2 print('[Errno 2] No such file or directory: \'' + filename + '\'') return 1 except UnicodeDecodeError: if lines1 == None: filename = file1 encoding_text = args.enc_file1 optionname = '--enc-file1' else: filename = file2 encoding_text = args.enc_file2 optionname = '--enc-file2' print('\'' + filename + '\' is not encoding by \'' + encoding_text + '\'') print('Set correct encoding of \'' + filename + '\' by ' + optionname + ' option') if cmpdir: print('') continue else: return 1 # for Python3.x # except IOError as error: # print(str(error)) # except UnicodeDecodeError as error: # print(str(error)) if args.ignore_crlf: lines1 = [line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in lines1] lines2 = [line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in lines2] # expandtabsは幅広文字に対応していないので自前で対処する # 以下のコードを試せば分かる # unicodestr = u'aあ\tb' # print(unicodestr.expandtabs(8).encode('sjis')) # print(unicodestr.encode('sjis')) diff = original_diff(lines1, lines2, linejunk=linejunk, charjunk=charjunk, cutoff=args.cutoff, fuzzy=args.fuzzy, cutoffchar=args.cutoffchar, context=context, width=args.width, withcolor=withcolor) for line in diff: print(line) return 0
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main()) # doctest.testmod() #'main()') # pdb.runcall(main)